Gold Medal Store Manager Training Camp Phase-I

In the days of welcoming the warm summer breeze, the Gold Medal Store Manager Seminar Camp was grandly opened on 24th and 25th August 2023 at LC International Hotel, bringing participants a two-day in-depth training. The camp aims to provide all-round enhancement and enlightenment to shop managers through the three modules of “Gold Medal Store Manager Training Course” and “Store Manager Professionalism Course”.

The excitement of the camp lies in its colourful training content. On the first day, the Gold Medal Store Manager Workshop, presented by an environmental mentor, led shop managers to delve into their hearts and explore the path of individual change. On the second day, the “Store Manager Professionalism Programme”, taught by renowned mentor Ye Yit Mu, will focus more on practical skills, providing shop managers with in-depth and systematic business knowledge and management skills. The whole camp is designed with a unique approach, aiming to enable shop managers to get all-rounded improvement in just two days to meet the new challenges in their career.

One of the highlights of the camp is its emphasis on the concept of “discovering oneself, examining the past and looking to the future”. Through a series of in-depth internal excavation, shop managers were guided to examine their potential strengths and weaknesses, and gradually realise their inner changes during the training process. This unique training method not only let participants deeply appreciate the responsibility and commitment of managers, but also opened up new perspectives for their future career development.

The successful holding of the first phase of the Gold Store Manager Training Camp not only provided shop managers with rich learning opportunities, but also attracted widespread attention in the industry. In the future, LC Training Base will continue to promote this series of training camps, and is committed to providing comprehensive career development support for more shop managers, helping them to stand out in the fierce market competition.